Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I couldn't be more excited to announce that the remixes I did for One Way Static Records back in 2017 have just been released!

The Papaya digital single features two plunderphonic remixes utilizing tracks culled from the remastered stereo tracks of Stelvio Cipriani's 1978 Papaya: Love Goddess of the Cannibals.

The single sees Cipriani's lounge exotica meet rhythm-heavy disco funk, with the title track adding sultry sax and female vocals to enhance the original work, backed with a bare-bones instrumental version, creating a fun, catchy and danceable reinterpretation worthy of inclusion to the collection of any fan of the 1978 movie and soundtrack!

Out now and available exclusively via my Bandcamp page here. Teaser videos on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.