Radioactivity, is in the air for you and me...
Deutsche leute should make sure to tune in to Deep Red Radio - Das Filmmagazin this month as they air a post-apocalyptic special that features not only 2077: Raiders of the Apocalypse off my 2014 S/T album, but fellow Cineploit artists as well. Dates and time are as follows:
13.04 - 12:00 UHR (Montag)
17.04 - 12:00 UHR (Freitag)
20.04 - 12:00 UHR (Montag)
24.04 - 12:00 UHR (Freitag)
You'll find more information about the show - and where those living outside Germany can stream it - on their Facebook here and official site here. For more German action make sure to check out Film Maniax' The Swedish Raider of the Apocalypse - Ein Gespräch mit Magnus Sellergren here. Schüss!
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