Thursday, April 16, 2015
Check it out: As of now Deep Red Radio - Das Filmmagazin's post-apocalyptic/cyborg special can be streamed and downloaded via their official SoundCloud page. Featuring 2077: Raiders of the Apocalypse off my S/T album, the roughly 40 minute show includes fellow Cineploit artists and a cool intro by Jean-Claude Van Damme!
While on the subject, last week saw the launch of the HorrorSexy podcast. Debuting with an episode focusing on screeners, I'm happy to say they decided to use Regina dei Cannibali End Titles as a title theme. Two episodes are online so far. Check 'em out!
UPDATE: Just received word that the HorrorSexy podcast can be downloaded for free on iTunes here.
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Radioactivity, is in the air for you and me...
Deutsche leute should make sure to tune in to Deep Red Radio - Das Filmmagazin this month as they air a post-apocalyptic special that features not only 2077: Raiders of the Apocalypse off my 2014 S/T album, but fellow Cineploit artists as well. Dates and time are as follows:
13.04 - 12:00 UHR (Montag)
17.04 - 12:00 UHR (Freitag)
20.04 - 12:00 UHR (Montag)
24.04 - 12:00 UHR (Freitag)
You'll find more information about the show - and where those living outside Germany can stream it - on their Facebook here and official site here. For more German action make sure to check out Film Maniax' The Swedish Raider of the Apocalypse - Ein Gespräch mit Magnus Sellergren here. Schüss!
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