Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Charles Bronson

So, December's here, the 2077: Raiders of the Apocalypse 7" lathe cut has sold out and I figured it's time to wrap things up for 2014 by releasing one more video for the Videogram album, Charles Bronson!

Edited as a sort of cheesy/cheeky theme for a TV action series, I had a lot of fun creating the faux subtitles, although some took forever and required way more lipreading skills than I thought I had.

So, check it out, help out spreading the word and Happy Holidays!

EDIT: To celebrate these amazing six months and the appreciation the Videogram project has been shown I am offering a 10% discount on all the releases on my Bandcamp page. Use the discount code "humbug" when you check out tp apply. Offer expires at 11:59pm UTC on Dec. 31st.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Giveaway and reviews!

Check it out: Holly's Horrorland is giving away one free download of my S/T album. To enter, comment with your name and a valid email address here. A winner will be picked on December 13th. And how about that video featuring artwork by Saccstry!

UK's own The Rotting Zombie just posted a review of said album, summing it up as "...a collection of the most awesome soundtracks to films that never got made." This is a great review, and I really got a kick out of reading about Daniel driving through deserted industrial areas while listening to Walpurgisnacht and easily imagining zombies coming out of the shadows. Read it here.

More reviews can be found over at The Horror Movie Maniac. Summing it up as "addicting", Lauder also dubs Walpurgisnacht as her fave, but I Warned You Not to Go Out Tonight, Eaten Alive and Charles Bronson are given honorable mentions. It's a cool review, check it out here.